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Taittiriya Upanishad Tamil Pdf Download

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Taittiriya Upanishad Tamil Pdf Download

The English translation is in the post, in case you want to read it, but if not - here's what the introduction would be. ## **The Sacred Teachings of The Upanishads** is a collection of Hindu texts that are considered by some to be one of the most important texts for understanding Hindu philosophy. Written in Sanskrit sometime between 800 BCE and 600 BCE, this collection includes the Ṛg Veda (or Ṛṣi Veda), which was likely compiled around 1200 BCE. Among these sacred teachings are four short books called upanishads. Of these four short books, the Ṣaḍ-nāṭya Upanishad is the shortest and most beautiful of them all. It is also the only one which is completely dedicated to a discussion on acting techniques. This book is written in a poetic style, and is made up of five chapters (or sections). Each of these sections has its own title: Introduction: This section explains how powerful and awesome Nāṭya (drama) and Nṛtta (dance) are, and how they can be used to work towards spiritual attainment. Chapters 1 and 2: These two chapters focus on the words and gestures of acting. Chapter 3: This chapter explains how to take on the role of a role (nāṭya), and how to make one's self the character in the play. Chapters 4 and 5: These two chapters discuss various acting techniques, such as: 1) practicing like a god (paraṇa-bhūtam, literally: practicing like a god who is presenting himself), 2) how to avoid confusion when practicing nāṭya or when teaching someone else how to do it, 3) observing reality in action, 4) distinguishing between lies and lies that are part of one's character (there is not just an objective truth but also an objective lie). The Upanishads are concerned with many subjects. For instance, there are some that talk about the nature of reality, while others talk about the nature of the self, while some are concerned with how to live a good life. Others discuss different methods of meditation that can be used by yogis. The Upanishads are divided into three categories: These groups are further divided into sub-groups. For example, one sub-group of the Samhitas is called Aitareya Samhita. The Aitareya Samhita talks about yoga techniques, while the Kaushitaki Samhita talks about various karmas or actions. The Taittiriya Upanishad deals with Nāṭya (drama, dance, cinema), and the very short Kena Upanishad deals with Nṛtta (dance). The Śvetāśvatara Upanishad deals with many different things, including yoga techniques. The Chāndogya Upanishad talks about meditation.



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